Bhartiya Agriculture

A Living Ancient Tradition

3 min readDec 14, 2022
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Bhartiya agribusiness began in 9000 BC as a result of earlier plant cultivation and domestication of crops and animals. A properly settled life was soon commemorated, with tools and techniques being formulated for agriculture. Double monsoons led to two crops being reaped in one year. Bhartiya crops soon overtook the world via existing trading networks, and foreign crops were introduced to Bharat as well. Plants and animals—considered necessary to their survival by the Bhartiya — came to be respected and nurtured. During the Middle Ages, irrigation channels in Bharat reached a modern level of refinement, and Bhartiya harvests dominated the economies of other nations around the world under Islamic trade. Land and water management systems were improved to allow for constant development. Despite some stagnation, during the later contemporary era, the independent Republic of Bharat was equipped to evolve an extensive agricultural program.

Photo by Guru Moorthy Gokul on Unsplash

Agricultural Heritage

Our agriculture has many inherited sustainable methods that have been passed down from generation to generation. Furthermore, agriculture is not a profession in Bharat; it is a way of life for many Bhartiya communities. Hence, the present-day generation should be familiar with our ancient and ancestral agricultural systems and practices. This will encourage us to build a future research strategy for our upcoming generations. Bharat has brought incredible advancement in agriculture and its allied sectors, but the priority on the intensive use of inputs without contemplating their unfavorable consequences on a long-term basis has created several problems associated with the sustainability of agriculture. Outrageous use of chemical fertilizers, insecticides, and too much use of natural resources is endangering the agroecosystems.

Soil is getting poorer, water and air are getting polluted, and there is an intensifying deterioration of plant and animal genetic resources.

Therefore, attention is now changing direction to a sustainable form of agriculture. Indigenous technical awareness (ITA) delivers insight into sustainable agriculture because these inventions have been passed down from one generation to another as a family of technologies. There are various examples of unimaginable traditional technologies in Bharat, but sadly, these small local systems are dying out. It is crucial that we accumulate, document, and explore these technologies so that the scientific principle/basis behind them can be appropriately understood.

Once this is done, it will be simpler for us to further improve and upgrade them by combining them with modern scientific technology.

Our heritage is remarkably distinctive from any other civilization. As citizens of Bharat, we must feel proud of our prosperous and advanced cultural heritage. Agriculture in Bharat is not of later origin but has a long history dating back to the Neolithic age of 7500–4000 B.C. or even more. It transformed the lifestyle of early man from a wayfaring hunter of wild berries and roots to a cultivator of land. Agriculture benefits from the knowledge and wisdom of great saints.

Photo by Elaine Casap on Unsplash

The knowledge achieved and practices obtained have been passed down through generations. Our ancestral farmers have developed nature-friendly farming techniques and practices such as mixed farming, mixed cropping, crop rotation, etc. The great epics of ancient Bharat convey the profundity of knowledge owned by the older generations of farmers in Bharat.

Values and traditional practices used in ancient Bharat are very related to present-day systems. History indicates the endless record of past events, whereas heritage suggests the inherited importance carried from one generation to another. Agricultural inheritance signifies the values and traditional methods adopted in ancient Bharat, which are more applicable to the present-day system.




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